ACM v. World Ticket Center B.V.

€350,000 in fines


The Netherlands ACM has fined World Ticket Center as it failed to include all mandatory costs in the base price of airfares, did not clearly disclose variable costs, and pre-selected optional extras such as travel and cancellation insurances.

Our analysis

World Ticket Center B.V. (WTC) was fined by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) for displaying airfares and trip prices incorrectly on its website. The company failed to include all mandatory costs in the base price of its airfares. This deceptive practice involved variable costs that were not clearly mentioned in the base price, and were only added at a later stage during the booking process. Additionally, optional extras such as travel and cancellation insurances were pre-selected. The principles that must be adhered to include the presentation of clear costs at the beginning of the booking process, booking the trip for the advertised price, optional products and services that cannot be pre-checked, all unavoidable costs that must be included in the base price, and variable costs that must be mentioned with the advertised price.
Since 2013, ACM has focused on making prices in the travel industry more transparent to allow consumers to make well-informed choices. It has also reminded many companies in the travel industry about presenting prices correctly. WTC had unclear prices on its website, with mandatory additional costs such as a "customer service charge" that was not included in the advertised price. Additionally, booking costs were not clearly mentioned with the advertised price, and certain optional extras for trips were pre-selected, such as travel and cancellation insurances. ACM established that WTC violated the rules on price transparency laid down in the Aviation regulation and the Dutch Unfair Commercial Practices Act (WHO).


WTC has been fined €350,000 by the ACM and ordered to adjust the information on its website to comply with pricing rules. The company has since made the necessary changes to its website.


Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) and World Ticket Center B.V. (WTC)

Case number

Case number: 14.0949.32

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